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Huckleberry Finn



Chapter 1-5 Huckleberry Finn: 
1a) Huck Finn resists being taught by Miss Watson,
1b) Huck and Tom get Jim and sneak out. Tom and Huck play a trick on Jim and Jim thinks he is bewitched. The they all decide to become robbers. 
1c)Try to teach Huck religion and fail, Rumor spreads that Huck's dad is dead, Gang of robbers disbands
1d) Huck Finn thinks he has bad luck and is all worried. The Huck's Pap returns and is after the money that Tom had found.
1e) Pap kidnaps Huck 
2) Time Period: 1895 because this was a time when slavery was happening and in the book the N word was okay and the way Huck is speaking makes him sound like he is in the South
3) Narrator Influence: The narrator is a 12 year old boy and this affects the story because it makes the story more childish (like a 12 year old) and the wording is confusing because once again it is being narrated by a little kid


 Chapter 5-11 Huckleberry Finn:
1) Pap kidnapped Huck because Huck has money that Pap wants. When Huck won't give him the money he gets made and decides to take Huck until he gives the money up.
3) A ambolitionist is someone who who favors slavery and punishment. Huck is called a "low down Ablitionist and dispise me for keeping mum” because he is against it. During the time of this book, Huck was a slave to a widow, even though she was good to him he did not like being labeled as a slave or punished for not doing something she said to do. 
4) What gave Huck Finn away when he was a girl?
  • Said he was Mary Williams instead of Sarah Williams
  • He is a bad actor who can't act like a gril
  • Gets called out and gives up instead of trying to convince them otherwise
What would give a girl away who was acting like a girl​/a boy acting like a girl
  • The way they talk 
  • The way the act 
  • The way they dress


Chapter 12-16 Huckleberry Finn:

1)    The Story is called "The Judgment of Solomon" In this story two women claimed to be the mother of a child. King Solomon came up with a strategy to cut the baby in half and give each half to the mothers. One mother approved his plan while the second mother begged for the child not to be killed. With this plan Solomon was able to determine who was the actual mother, the one who begged for the child not to be cut in half thus proving King Solomon a wise king. Jim does not realize Solomons plan was just a strategy  and thought he actually cut a baby in half.       


2) When Huck finds Jim again, Jim is happy to see that Huck was safe. I feel like Jim really cares for Huck. One example of why Jim is a good guy and cares for Huck is when they were still on the island and they found a house floating down the river and Jim went into the house to find supplies that could help them survive on the island. Inside the house Jim found Pap dead on the floor from a gunshot wound in his back. He wouldn't let Huck go into the house because Jim didn't want Huck to see his father dead. That shows that Jim really cares for Huck and wants to protect him from getting hurt.   

3)  I think Jim is very superstitious is because he is a slave that got away and is now trying to find a safe home. He is tired of being a slave, he just wants so be free. He is scared that he might get caught and sent back to work for his previous "owners" or getting some kind a consequence for running away like going to jail or getting hanged. 

4)  It tells us that Huck was sorry for making up a lie of how Huck got separated from Jim in the fog, but had to work up the courage for fifteen minutes to apologize to Jim. Huck calls Jim a n***** because back then it was not a offensive word and it was used very commonly. But Huck feels bad for hurting Jim and does not regret apologizing to Jim for making up a lie.  



Chapter 17-21 Huckleberry Finn: 

1) The Grangerford family was a very rich family. They were the ideal family everyone wanted to be during that time. They also have servants that do all their work for them. From the outside they seem like the perfect family but they have a secret. The secret is that they have been having a feud with the Shepherdson family for a very long time. This family feud has the intent of each family trying to kill each other member.

2) Huck witnessed one of the Gangerford family members trying to shoot one of the Shepherdon's family members. Huck asks Buck why he was trying to shoot him and Buck explains the feud. Mark Twain refers the feud with Shepherson (Shephered) and Grrangerford (Granger) because the Shepherdon family heard sheep and the Grangerford family farms. 

3) The narrator plays a big role on perspective during this book because he is writing as the perspective as Huck and instead of third person it makes it seem like the perspective of the main character. 

4) The king and the duke dress up as different people so they can steal money from the the dead Peter Wilk's family. Huck doesn't feel that this is right and he refuses to help even though they are bad people who might deserve it. 

5) The king and the duke can get in a lot of trouble if they have a minor (Huck) helping them steal. Huck will not get in as much trouble since he is a minor but since the king and the duke are adults they will get a harsh punishment. 


Chapters 22-26 Huckleberry Finn:

1) The line at the end of the handbill says "Ladies and children are not admitted". The handbill would get people into play because many men would do things if their wives can't come. It allows them to have a "night off" and have more freedom due to the fact that their wives and kids can't come (because they aren't admitted). It's a night for the boys. 

2) Jim has so much to worry about, Huck didn't want to add anything else to his plate. I think Huck doesn't find any use in telling him because he plans on leaving the situation eventually. I think Jim already figures that they are fake so, Huck doesn't find any importance in telling him something that is irrelevant. 

3) In the book Huck says "It was enough to make a body ashamed of the human race.” . I think that he said this because the King and the Duke being as greedy as they are, decided to act as the brothers of a dead man to gain his land and wealth he left behind. They also made Jim and Huck pretend to be their servants. So overall I think that Huck was ashamed that they were posing to be people they weren't especially when they were talking about an actual life being lost.  

4) The Doctor knew that the King and the Duke were frauds because when the Duke gave his speech his British accent wasn't good or believable. The Doctor claimed it to be the worst accent he had ever heard because of this he knew that the King and the Duke were con-men and weren't actually related because they didn't know anything about the man himself or his life.

5) The king and duke are thinking about leaving in the middle of the night with all the money.


Chapters 26-30 Huckleberry Finn:

1) Back in this day, it was common for people to stay alongside their dead family and friends to protect them from insects and rodents. This was called "Shemira". It was to show they still respected the body until they get lowered into the ground. 

2) Huck is showing again how much empathy he has for people, Mary Jane being very upset with the fact that slave families were being torn apart, Huck explains how they will see each-other again. Huck also knew she was struggling because she sat and cried next to the casket. 

3) The townspeople used two methods in trying to identify who the brothers were and who the frauds were. One of these methods was testing handwriting samples by having each person sign a piece of paper and comparing it to letters that have been sent from the real Harvey. The second method occurs when it is revealed that the brother had a tattoo on his chest and the dauphin and Harvey show different versions of the tattoo. 



Chapters 31-35 Huckleberry Finn:

1) Huck was praying to God to ask for  forgiveness for helping Jim escape from Ms.Watson. Back in that time period it was illegal to help a run away slave cross over into the free-lands, but Hucks heart was not into the prayer for God because his heart was not in it. There for Huck was lying to God because he has become very close with Jim and wanted to help him finally become free and that is why he says "You can't pray a lie".  

2)  Huck was going to write to Tom Sawyer and to tell Miss Watson where Jim was, he was going to but then remembered his kind heart and all that they have been through so he decided to seal him back instead of Mrs. Watson sell him. So he tears the letter up and decides to do it himself. 

3) Well, Tom Sawyer is a good boy. Although he does have a very adventurous imagination. Tom is just wanting to help Huck. He knows that he has been through a lot. But he wants to help one of his close friends. Tom Sawyer will do anything. But, Huck is being a little dramatic when he says in the book "Tom Sawyer fell, considerable, in my estimation. Only I couldn’t believe it. Tom Sawyer a n***** stealer!”
​Well, Huck was the first and only person that got Tom Sawyer to help get and steal Jim back.  Basically, if Huck believes that what Tom is doing is bad, then why did Huck get him into doing it?

4) Huck and Tom are coming up with a more simple plan to break Jim free because they don't want to be noticed right away. That is the number 1 one thing a criminal doesn't want to happen. If they don't get noticed, then it will be much easier for all of them.

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